Admission requirements

This program is open to anyone holding a Bachelor's degree in scientific, legal-economic, social, and healthcare areas and having a specific interest in the field of disaster and health crisis management.

Bachelor's degrees that automatically fulfill the academic requirements

Access to the Master’s Degree isautomatically granted to graduates holding a Bachelor’s Degree (laurea triennale) in the following classes (according to the Italian system):

Other bachelor's degrees

Graduates from other classes must have acquired at least 18 CFUs in a combination of the following scientific-disciplinary sectors during their previous academic career:


Language proficiency

A B2 (upper intermediate) level in English is required to attend the Master of Science in Disaster and Health Crisis Management. Students who cannot prove their linguistic level through an international certification (e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, or other widely recognized certifications) must undergo an online assessment.

International students

Candidates graduated outside Italy must demonstrate to have acquired the necessary basic knowledge during their bachelor’s studies by submitting an official transcript for the qualifying degree they have completed or they are currently enrolled in.

More information available at this link.

If you have any requests, please write to UPOrisponde.