United Nations Training

CRIMEDIM is supporting European Commission – Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (DG ECHO) in the design, planning and organization of training courses for personnel active in the international disaster response field, in the framework of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
The project involves several UN agencies and four European partners operating in the field of Civil Protection. The ultimate goal is to enhance the cooperation and coordination among the organizations contributing to disaster response, ensure better compatibility and interoperability between response teams and strengthen the expertise of the professionals involved. The UN agencies involved in the project are the World Health Organisation (WHO), the World Food Program (WFP) and the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The consortium coordinated by CRIMEDIM includes the Italian and Slovenian Civil Protection, the German Federal Agency for technical assistance, and the Italian company Novareckon.

CRIMEDIM hosted three editions of the WHO EMT Coordination Cell Training in 2023, 2017 and 2016, organized by the WHO EMT Secretariat with the support of DG ECHO and partner organizations. During a weeklong intensive training, the participants were trained and challenged to assess, establish, operate, and deactivate an Emergency Medical Team Coordination Cell during a simulated disaster.

United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) Induction Course

CRIMEDIM hosted one UNDAC Induction Course in 2016, organized by OCHA’s Field Coordination Support Section (FCSS) with the support of DG ECHO in conjunction with Novarseti Viaggi, the Italian Civil Protection Department and the Belgian Federal Public Service of Health.

More than 30 participants from 20 different countries, selected among humanitarian and disaster managers from international organizations and national emergency management institutions, were inducted in the UNDAC system to establish and facilitate humanitarian coordination following sudden onset disasters.