Modex Exercises
The Module Exercises (MODEX) are financed by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) and are part of a series of exercises within the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The main objectives for the participants are to train self-sufficiency, interoperability, procedures, and coordination, as well as to use the exercise as a learning opportunity. CRIMEDIM is contributing with its expertise in training in the area of Emergency Medical Teams, creating the medical cases that are used during the exercises.
EU MODEX provides Urban Search and Rescue Modules, Emergency Medical Teams and other Response Capacities the the chance to train staff preparedness for a deployment in the context of a full-scale exercise and also the opportunity for certification as European Emergency Response Capacity (EERC) and for classification or reclassification to meet international standards for deployments in disasters.
An International Consortium is responsible for planning, developing and implementing Module exercises and the European Union handles all financial obligation.
The modules include the following stakeholders:
Experts of a Union Civil Protection Team (UCPT);
Medium and Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (USAR);
Experts of a Union Civil Protection Team (UCPT);
Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs);
Technical Assistance Support Team (TAST);
USAR in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) conditions.