Application procedure

Pre-enrolment form

Deadline for candidates from countries where a VISA to enter Italy is required: September 1st 2024

Italian candidates

Candidates must submit the online pre-enrolment form at this link enclosing the following documents:

The Didactic Committee will evaluate all the documents and confirm or not the eligibility to the candidate by e-mail. If considered eligible, candidates will receive an acceptance letter and will be invited to proceed with the formal enrolment through the university portal, following the instructions at this link.

Candidates from EU or other countries where a VISA to enter Italy is not required

Candidates must submit the online pre-enrolment form at this link enclosing the following documents:

The Didactic Committee will evaluate all the documents and confirm or not the eligibility to the candidate by e-mail. If considered eligible, candidates will receive an acceptance letter and will be invited to proceed with the formal enrolment through the university portal, following the instructions at this link.

Candidates from countries where a VISA to enter Italy is required

Candidates must submit the online pre-enrolment form at this link by September 1st 2024 enclosing the following documents:

The Didactic Committee will evaluate all the documents and confirm or not the eligibility to the candidate by e-mail. If considered eligible, candidates will receive an acceptance letter and will be invited to proceed with the pre-enrolment through the Universitaly portal. The deadline for submitting pre-registration for the 2024/2025 academic year on the Universitaly ministerial portal is September 16th 2024. Pre-registration applications submitted after this deadline will not be accepted. The formal enrolment will take place only once the University of Eastern Piedmont has verified the actual suitability of the foreign qualification and the authenticity of the documentation produced, even after the Study Visa has been obtained.

Further information are available here:

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are paid in instalments:

The first instalment, also called registration fee (156 €) is the same for all the students and all the courses.

Subsequent instalments vary according to the economic status of the student’s family, as reported in the ISEE - Statement for financial assistance in the Right to Higher Education. The maximum fee is 2300 € per year, for students who does not provide their ISEE or whose ISEE exceeds the higher limit. Students whose ISEE is lower than 30.000 € enter automatically in the no-tax area and pay only the first instalment.