Medical doctor graduated from Università del Piemonte Orientale in Novara, Italy (2014) and specialized in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (2020). Currently, she is a PhD candidate in the International Doctoral Program in Global Health, Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Medicine (CRIMEDIM-UPO & VUB).
Marta was involved as a research assistant in the EU-funded projects THREATS – Terrorist attacks on hospitals: Risk and Emergency Assessment, Tools and Systems, and TIER – Integrated strategy for CBRN threat identification and emergency response. She is engaged in several disaster medicine educational activities and served as the project coordinator of the international Training Disaster Medicine Trainers (TdmT) course and as the training manager for the NEMS – National Emergency Medical Service in Sierra Leone.
Her research activity encompasses also projects in low resource settings and war zones, such as Uganda, Iraq, and Sierra Leone. At present, Marta is involved in the EU-funded project NIGHTINGALE – Novel Integrated Toolkit for Enhanced Pre-Hospital Life Support and Triage in Challenging and Large Emergencies.