Farman Ullah

Farman is a Ph.D. candidate in the Joint Ph.D. program between UPO and VUB Brussels at CRIMEDIM with an interesting research background in disaster risk sciences. He holds both his postgraduate and undergraduate degrees focused on disaster preparedness, mitigation, and management, which form the foundation of his research interests. These interests span diverse topics, including risk reduction, risk assessment, risk perception, weather, and climate extremes, and model-based hazard assessment. Currently, Farman is pursuing his Ph.D. work focused on the heatwave phenomenon in Pakistan where he is applying the widely known ‘Health Belief Model’ to examine how people understand and perceive the risk of heatwaves induced by climate change. He is vocal about the ‘#NoNaturalDisasters’ campaign meaning that whilst some hazards are natural and unavoidable, the resulting disasters almost always have been made by human interventions in nature.