Joseph Cuthbertson

Dr Joe Cuthbertson resides in Perth, Western Australia and employed as General Manager Clinical and Operational Excellence for St John WA. He has worked in the hospital, humanitarian and prehospital field for the last 20 years in a broad range of clinical, governance and management roles. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh - Faculty of Remote Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare (FRRHH). fellow of The Australasian College of Paramedicine and the Australasian College of Health Service Management, Board Secretary of the World Association Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM); adjunct of the Monash University Disaster and Resilience Initiative (MUDRI) and a faculty member of The Centre for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine (CRIMEDIM, Novara, Italy).

He has a strong interest in Public Health and disaster risk reduction and has previously developed health and humanitarian programs in Southeast Asia with a focus on capability development, mentoring and training and involved in a variety of research projects in Australasia and Europe. He supports the development and improvement of disaster and emergency health practice through education, service and research to protect and respond to communities in need.