Monica Trentin

Monica completed her BA in International Studies (2017) from the University of Trento, Italy, and an MA in Governance of Emergency (2019) from the University of Verona, Italy, with a thesis focused on disaster risk communication. She joined CRIMEDIM as a research fellow in 2020 and began her PhD in Global Health, Humanitarian Aid, and Disaster Medicine in 2021, which she completed in 2024. Her doctoral thesis explored the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant women through an intersectional lens. As part of her PhD, Monica served as Principal Investigator for the project "Being a Migrant Woman During Disasters: A Mixed-method Study Exploring Multidimensional Inequalities During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Northern Italy" funded by Fondazione Cariplo (€111,300).

Monica is currently a member of the CRIMEDIM Coordination Team for the PREPSHIELD project, an Horizon project led by CRIMEDIM, where she serves as the center's scientific focal point.

Her research focuses on disaster-related vulnerabilities, including vulnerable groups such as women, migrants, and migrant women, as well as migrants' health, intersectionality, COVID-19 pandemic and pandemic preparedness, gender-based violence, access to care during crises and humanitarian settings, and health system responses to disasters.

From 2021 to 2023, she also coordinated the Training Disaster Medicine Trainers (TdmT) and DisasterSISM programs, which are educational initiatives in disaster medicine for medical students, delivered by CRIMEDIM in partnership with IFMSA and SISM respectively.

Beyond her work with CRIMEDIM, Monica is an active member of the Lancet Migration European Regional Hub as a 'Young Professional' and among the founding members of the Italian Chapter of Women in Global Health.